4 Ways to Free Your Mind From Fear

4 Ways to Free Your Mind From Fear

On your journey of success, there’s nothing more important than your thought life. Every good and bad thing begins in thought form which is why you have to be viciously aware of the thoughts you allow yourself to mediate on. The other day, I was having such a dark,...
Set Yourself Free From Your Past

Set Yourself Free From Your Past

Today in the US, we’re celebrating being a free nation. I know 4th of July for most of us means bathing suits, backyard barbeques, a red cup, and fireworks (that still scare me to this day…don’t judge me LOL!) But as you have fun in the sun, is there anything that you...
Live Expecting Things to Change In Your Favor

Live Expecting Things to Change In Your Favor

So last week’s post and Periscope message of motivation on overcoming failure, really hit home and inspired many of you. It takes vulnerability and authenticity in order to truly inspire others, and although I’ve struggled with doing so in the past, I’m blessed to...