The other day I had a thought. I asked myself, “What if tomorrow is the day that everything I’ve been praying, hoping and working for finally happened? What if tomorrow is the day where everything turns around in my favor?” My immediate response was overwhelming joy, elation, excitement which quickly subsided the thoughts of worry, fear and frustration.

At that moment, I decided to believe that tomorrow was the day and even if it didn’t happen that it would happen the next day. What I started to do is wholeheartedly expect, trust and have confidence that everything I’m working towards is moments away. I act like it, talk like it and believe like it.

As I started taking this approach, the load felt lighter and my faith was strengthened.

A lot of us are thinking that our big breakthrough is years away but what if it’s’ not? Having faith for those big hopes, dreams and desires (especially when you’re working towards them diligently) is now. Faith is not next week or soon or one day, faith is now. Anyone can expect things to turn around in the future but are you expecting things to start turning around now? Do you believe that at this very moment things are being shifted in your favor.


Why are you working, praying and hoping so hard if you don’t believe that at any moment your breakthrough may happen?

The promotion, the dream client, the overflow of new customers, the restored relationship, the call from your estranged brother, the email from the OWN network, the healing of your loved one’s body, the corner office, the $10,000 per day sales can literally be one day away.

This is more than just positive thinking; this is believing from the depths of your soul that everything is going to work out for you in the end. Yes, we must all endure a process but some of us have been in that process for years now and that moment that you’ve been waiting for is far closer than you think.

This is not the time to give into discouragement or quit. As I’ve mentioned before that discouragement leaves you open to experience other negative emotions like despair, depression and hopelessness. Each one of these emotions is trying to steal your faith, hope and expectation.

Stand up to the nonsense; tell yourself that enough is enough! Wake up every morning believing that this is the day it all turns around in your favor and even if it doesn’t, believe that tomorrow it will. You keep having that bold expectation that your greatest hopes, dreams and desires are literally a few hours away.

You’ll find yourself experiencing so much joy, peace, and laughter. We all could use a little more of that in our lives, right?

I understand that failed expectations can lead to disappointment. However, it’s all in how you choose to view it in your mindset. Keep believing that every last thing you experience, even those disappointments are setting you up to get another step closer to your destiny!

Speak it out loud every morning if you have to. Write it down on a Post It and put in your mirror so that you declare to yourself that this is your day!

Declare it, believe it and I know that you will see it – remove the limitations and start believing that tomorrow could be the day that it all turns around in your favor.


Maria I. Melendez