When Things Are NOT OK

When Things Are NOT OK

I know we go through our days with plenty of “Hey, how are you?” greetings and we hear the same response: “OK. How are you?”  We usually say things like, “good, fine, alright, peachy, wonderful, etc.” no matter how we’re REALLY doing.  Most people aren’t really asking...
Reality Check: Is Hidden Shame Holding You Back?

Reality Check: Is Hidden Shame Holding You Back?

“Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.”  – Brene Brown I like this quote by Brene Brown, as it depicts shame as something that has the ability to slowly suffocate and damage an individual’s soul, as well as potential.  Shame is...
From Insecure To Wonderfully Confident

From Insecure To Wonderfully Confident

I love this quote by Wayne Dyer: “Self-worth comes from one thing- thinking that you are worthy.” The level of your self-worth will affect so many areas of your life: your relationships, career, aspirations, spirituality, etc. Most women struggle with insecurity at...