If you and I were having a conversation about life and all that comes with it and I asked you, “Are you happy?” What would your response be?

Will it be a resounding “Yes”?

Or will the answer be “I’ll be happy when…”

The infamous lie of “I’ll be happy when…” is a trap that intertwines and deceives us to believe that we will finally obtain that happiness that we’ve been looking for when that something we’ve been desiring finally happens.

That something that we are hoping for varies for each of us. For someone it may be finally meeting “the one” and getting married, for someone else it may be finally getting that promotion into the corner office, for another it may be winning the lottery or moving into their dream home. For me, it’s been everything from “I’ll be happy when I leave this job” to “I’ll be happy when I get a book publisher.”

Until I figured out this little secret that I want to share with you.

You will be just as happy as you are now as when you receive whatever it is that you are striving towards. Your happiness is a choice that you can make. You will be just as happy as you are now as you are when you get that new job, new contract or new man. Happiness is ultimately a choice. When you wake up in the morning, you can choose to be miserable and feel sorry for yourself or you can choose to be happy in spite of what your current circumstances may be.

If you are waiting for something to make you happy or better yet, waiting on someone else to make you happy then that something or someone also has the power to make you unhappy.

That is simply too much power to give away when the power actually lies within yourself.

Oh, and please know this very fact…

There will always be something else that you are going to be striving for even after you’ve reached your current “I’ll be happen when…” mark. So you may be telling yourself that you will finally be happy when you marry the one, well the next thing may be that you will finally be happy when you have children. You have the children and the next thing is that you will finally be happy when they leave for college.

That is a long time to wait on being happy.

You might currently be yearning for that promotion at your job. Let’s say that in a year you receive the promotion and the hefty raise you’ve been hoping for. Well after you get the promotion, you have a ton of new responsibilities that are overwhelming you and the position is not what you anticipated it to be. You convince yourself that you will be happy when you move onto a new company within another year.

Again, a long while until you can finally be happy. And I’m almost certain that when you get to that new company, sooner or later there will be something else to strive towards.

Take back the power of happiness that lies within you. If you are not happy now, then I want you to find out why and make a decision that no matter what is happening or not happening in your life that you will choose to be happy instead of waiting to be happy when…


Maria I. Melendez

P.S. Pre-orders of my book, Take the Limits Off Your Legacy: A Woman’s Guide to Unlock Purpose and Vision are now available. Pre-order your copy here.