Every week I like to empower, educate and inspire you with a special “Embrace Her Legacyism” message and over the years, I’ve heard so many testimonies from you who’ve told me how these messages have motivated you.

I just write what’s on my heart and I normally draw inspiration from something I’m learning, going through or been through. So last week, I had to take my own advice on something that I’ve shared for years and that’s when you have a goal that isn’t manifesting the way you thought it would, don’t change the goal but change the strategy to get there. I learned this from that late personal development guru, Jim Rohn.

There are certain business goals that I’ve had for over a year now and I’ve been using the same action steps to try to conquer those goals but those strategies were not working at all, whatsoever. I stubbornly kept doing the same thing, expecting to get different results and we know that’s the definition of insanity.

After realizing this, I told myself to “think like an ant.” I know that may seem weird but have you ever stopped to analyze how ants work? Those itty bitty creatures know the meaning of getting the goal accomplished no matter what! If an ant is carrying a speck of bread back to his queen, nothing will deter that ant from accomplishing his mission. If you put a rock in his path, he will either go under, around or over the rock in order to get to his destination. They don’t cry, wine or throw a fit about the obstacle. They don’t change their goal; they just change the strategy to get there which is the mindset I’ve started to apply to some of my goals and I’m already seeing the change!

Maybe this is your current situation. Perhaps you’ve been trying and trying to achieve that goal but your current strategy isn’t working. You may be tempted to change or even give up on the goal. Well, this is your wake up call to change your strategy not your goal.

Perhaps you’ve been trying to grow your Instagram followers on your business page and nothing you’ve been trying is working. Have you tried investing into a social media for business class? Maybe you’ve been trying to get that promotion at work but you keep working harder and you’re not getting anything in return? Have you tried to set-up a meeting with your supervisor for a performance review to see how you can set yourself up to be next in line for that promotion? Maybe you keep having trouble saving your money and you’ve tried budgeting but it doesn’t work. Have you tried reading books on financial management or maybe turning off your credit cards?

What goal have you been trying to achieve but you keep hitting the same dead end? Instead of being frustrated about it, I want you to do this:

  • Write down the goal at the top of large piece of paper or in your journal as you should always keep a goals journal.
  • Under your goal, I want you to brainstorm all the possible resources and strategies that you have access to help you achieve that goal.
  • Then, determine at least 2 of those strategies that you will implement.
  • Write down the new action steps that you need to take toward that goal.

When you’re doing this, get quiet and follow that still quiet voice in your heart. Ask yourself what’s the intention of you achieving your goal. If you’re trying to get that promotion because you want to compete with your uber successful sister or you want to make millions in your business to validate your self-worth then your motives are in the wrong place and you’ll keep hitting dead ends.

Make sure that you’re clear on your intentions and follow what you believe you’re supposed to do. What worked for someone else may not work for you so make sure you’re operating in the flow of your inner spirit instead of following what worked for someone else.

Be like that ant and find the strategy that’s going to work for you!


Maria I. Melendez