If you want to know what we do…simply put we inspire women and girls to live purpose-driven lives with an intention of the legacy they want to leave. We are here to promote women and girls being confident, fearless, secure and whole with a future so bright that it scares her! Watch our world because Embrace Her Legacy is here and we are NOT looking back!

Who We Are
Embrace Her Legacy is company that offers media, events, community and social initiatives  designed to help women and girls intentionally build a purpose-driven legacy.

What We Do
We propel women and girls to live in their purpose with passion and define the legacy they will leave behind. In a time when technology allows us to constantly connect and communicate globally, it is increasingly important to be conscious of the imprint we make on the world. Since inception in 2012, we have serviced hundreds of women and girls throughout New York City and around the country. We evoke feminine confidence through engaging media developed to educate and inspire, tailored events, uplifting community efforts and an advisory board of established and empowered women who are embracing their legacies and share their secrets of success through the Embrace Her Legacy Assembly.