In case you missed our special treat that we shared on Facebook earlier this week, make sure you check it out here.

I am really learning that the true battlefield in this life is not in the world but it’s actually inside of our minds. Every action begins in thought form and I am also learning that every negative emotion is usually traced back to a negative thought that ignited that emotion.

C’mon I know that I’m not the only one here. Let’s say you scroll through your social media news feed and you see someone sharing a major accomplishment and you think that you could never get to your major goals because of (lack of resources, lack of confidence, and the list keeps going.) Next thing you know, you’re throwing a pity party for yourself. Or you see someone’s happy marriage and you think about those last few dates you’ve been on and think that a happy, loving relationship may not be something you’ll experience in this lifetime and in turn settle for Mr. Right Now instead of Mr. Right. You know good and well you deserve better but you begin to think I could never have “that.”

And “that” is the ultimate “no no” in life. The “that” I am referring to is comparing yourself to someone else. Many of us do and although we may never admit it, I’m pretty sure each one of has done so at some point in our lives.

We compare our relationships, body images, careers, financial status, personal style, spiritual lifestyles, and children as if what we have is not good enough. The truth of the matter is that you already have EVERYTHING that you will need to fulfill your purpose over your life.

So what if your competitors have more resources and more perceived success. So what if your Facebook Fan page has 500 followers and your competitor has 200,000. So what if someone doesn’t like your product or service or someone doesn’t agree with what you’re doing. (Not everyone will like you or what you have to offer so that’s something that you better start getting used to). It’s time to get over it and instead of focusing on them and focus on what you CAN do.

One of the most powerful weapons of self-destruction is comparing ourselves to one another. It’s really a slap in the face to God (yes, I believe in God). He is the one who created you, we were each divinely create for a purpose that He had planned way before we were even born. Every time you look to someone else and compare yourself to her or him, you are telling God that what He majestically, divinely, beautifully made isn’t enough. And, you never know what someone had to go through to get where they are. 

Trust your process.
What’s meant to be yours in this world will be. Those who are meant to follow you, will. Those who are meant to join you on your journey will meet you where you are. Think about that the next time you want to “be like” someone else.