Journaling. Similar to the “Dear Diary” days of your teens – minus the hormonal dramatics, add a splash of focus and a twist of purpose. I know, I know…there are a thousand reasons as to why you can’t or don’t have time. It’s not easy to just sit down and start writing, nor is it easy to carve out quiet time to compose your thoughts into words but usually that’s exactly what’s need to get started – to just sit, and write. Procrastination allows you to justify not keeping promises to yourself; it tells you, that YOU are not worth YOUR own time!

Fall in love and stay in love with you, make it a priority. Journaling is a great way to self-express fully and truthfully. You can write down everything you’ve ever wanted to say, everything you’ve ever done, and everything you’ve ever experienced. You can fill it with dreams and aspirations that you want to come true or you can simple write down everything your grateful for. This is a personal space that is uniquely yours; designed by you, for you. Journaling is the best free gift you can give yourself.

By simply putting your ideas on paper, “thinking on paper”, is the doorway to a clearer mind, focused decision making, dream realization and an unbelievable increase in self-esteem. Find a bound journal that you like — a pretty cover, your favorite color, or a plain jacket that you can decorate yourself.  Check to see if the pages are lined (some folks prefer more freedom of creativity than lined paper allows).  If not concerned with frills and aesthetics, you may be satisfied with a simple spiral-bound notebook.

Keep your journal on your bedside stand. Before you turn off the lights for the night, write a minimum of five self-compliments in the journal; any and every compliment counts here. Whatever makes you feel good, from a good hair day, facilitating a productive meeting at work, to cooking an awesome meal for your friends and family.  Before long you’ll realize (along with everyone else) how smart, healthy, considerate and good-looking you are.

You’ll find it’s worth improving. You are worth the efforts of sufficient sleep, a healthy diet, an exercise plan, a relaxing vacation, a less stressful (and more fun) job… the list goes on and on.

You’re worth it all, baby! You’ll see.