The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.

If you’re a student of success like I am, then you have probably heard more times than once about the power of our thoughts and how they directly influence our moods, decisions, and ultimate success story.

Our lives are also composed by our choices.

Which leads me to say that if our minds control our choices then our thoughts are perhaps one the most powerful weapons that we possess. A weapon that we may take for granted and not understand it’s full power.

I heard someone once say that “We are our thoughts.” If that were true, what do you think your thoughts would say about you.

Changing the way we think is something that takes a lifetime to ultimately achieve because it’s not as simple as we may think – no pun intended.

Instead of giving you my spiel on the power of positive thinking, I want you to analyze your thoughts of the day and find out what are your dominating thoughts. It’s one thing to have one positive thought and think “job well done,” but it’s another to have dominating thoughts that are rooted in fear, guilt, anxiety, worry, insecurity or negativity.

Dominating thoughts are not necessarily the thoughts that you have about yourself; it can be thoughts of others or your thoughts of the world. We are constantly hit with images, content, news and more about all things negative from diseases to crisis around the world to the latest publicity ploy from (insert celebrity name here) to news of crime and more crime to news of daily injustices. We cannot be naïve enough to believe that all these images that we are exposed and that we choose to expose ourselves to are not affecting our thought life.

In this day of social media, it seems like the “news” is non-stop and everyone is giving their opinion whether it was asked of them or not. You cannot read this and think that what you see does not end up influencing you because it does – perhaps not in a major way but all negativity needs is one seed planted and all it will take is another negative circumstance to water it after another to harvest into a negative thought life.

I personally noticed this in myself years ago and purposefully stopped reading certain blogs, watching the news at night and refused to continue viewing programs of what has now become “ratchet TV.” I noticed that everything I was watching or reading was taking a toll on my spirit because instead of thinking hope, I thought injustice or instead of thinking of love, I thought of judgment.

Now I am not telling you to stop enjoying whatever makes you happy. However, pay attention to what you’re watching, what you’re thinking, what you’re listening to and what you’re reading. Is it uplifting you? Is it empowering you? Is it motivating you? Is it challenging you? Are you learning? Is it having a negative effect on your thought life? What are these images doing for you?

Have a filter on what you choose to allow yourself to watch, hear or read. You’d be surprised as to how these things can influence your thought life which can in turn effect your decisions which will ultimately impact your destiny.

You have the power to control what you think – pay attention to those dominating thoughts of yours and if they’re rooted in any negativity then I want you to do some digging and determine what planted seed has harvest in your mind. Once you’ve figured it out, do what you need to get rid of the seed and all the weeds that have grown with it.

Remember this final note, how you hear is colored by the condition of your heart.


Maria I. Melendez