Isn’t it so much easier to complain and talk about all of the things that are going wrong? I’m noticing that in many of the conversations that I am having and listening to, everyone seems to be focused on how hard things or how things are not going the way one anticipated. It’s almost as if we are focused on surviving and we forget to focus on progressing.

Our conversations consist of what’s missing, what we’re working towards, what could be better instead of what we have, what’s right and how far we have come. I think it’s time that we change the conversation.

Is it possible to be happy along the journey while trying to achieve whatever the goal is? Absolutely! However, we keep saying things like “I’ll be happy when…” Why can’t we be happy now? In our conversations with our girlfriends, we complain about work, life, men and all things in between but what if we changed the conversation to focus on everything that is going right? I think we’d have plenty more happy women walking around. Don’t you?

I know that normally I can go on and on as we know I can talk. This time, I want to keep things simple. I want you to make the choice right now to change the conversation you are having. Maybe it’s not you who has the change the conversation, perhaps it’s the people around you. If that is the case, then I want you to be the catalyst that encourages others to change their conversation. Challenge others around you to change their conversation.

The next time you want to complain about what your husband did or did not do, how about you change the conversation to what he is doing right? The next time you want to complain about the market and how challenging it is for you to find your perfect home on your budget, try to change the conversation to focus on something else that is going well. Perhaps you landed a promotion, met your fitness goals or have been asked to serve in a leadership position at your church. Heck, maybe you even got a great deal on some new shoes!

Changing the conversation not only keeps us focused on what’s right, it sparks an attitude of gratitude while training our minds to remain positive. The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our thinking. I’m not telling you to hold everything inside but I am encouraging you to choose the “theme” of your conversations. I promise that when you do, you will see the change in your perspective and a growth within yourself. Not everything “bad” that happens to you requires a 2.5 hour conversation which only makes things worse. What you make room for in your life (both good or bad), you empower to grow. Remember that!

Maria I. Melendez