2 Ways to Change Your Life Now

2 Ways to Change Your Life Now

Have you ever come to a point in your life when you’re just tired and over it all? You’re tired of being broke, you’re tired of going to a job you hate, you’re tired of your business not growing, you’re tired of living in that toxic environment...
Finding the Time to Work on Your Goals

Finding the Time to Work on Your Goals

One of the biggest excuses that we use when it comes to realizing our goals is, “I don’t have time.” I understand. Between your job, school, family, meetings, snapping and chatting, Netflix, volunteering, Instagram, sleeping and eating then that it may seem...
Why the Real Motive Behind Your Success?

Why the Real Motive Behind Your Success?

It’s no secret that you want to become successful but what’s your “why?” Why do you want to be successful? What’s the motivation behind your success? Do you want to be become wealthy to help your family? Do you want to become a doctor so that you can...
The Main Ingredient to Your Success

The Main Ingredient to Your Success

You and I both know that success is not an overnight project. There are too many different ingredients that when combined together, make a sweet recipe that you’re ready to get a taste of. The main ingredient of the recipe will vary from person to person...
Drop It, Leave It Go, Let It Go

Drop It, Leave It Go, Let It Go

So the past few days I’ve found myself meditating on things of my past. Of course, when we do this, we never think about the good. It’s seems like it’s almost human nature to rehearse the pain, failures, hurts or regrets. After feeling this way for a...
People Who Don’t Understand Your Vision

People Who Don’t Understand Your Vision

So you’ve got this big dream and you decided to share your new idea with someone close to you expecting their encouragement only to be disappointed when they tell you every reason why you can’t make it happen. Or better yet you start dating this guy that...