You and I both know that success is not an overnight project. There are too many different ingredients that when combined together, make a sweet recipe that you’re ready to get a taste of.

The main ingredient of the recipe will vary from person to person depending on who you ask. Some may say the main ingredient is perseverance, hard work or education but there is one missing link that is far too often overlooked and can be the cause of delay in your success if you don’t include it in your recipe.

And that’s being specific.

In order to achieve any goal, or realize any dream you must be clear and specific on what you want. If you’re vague about it, then you will produce vague, hazy results. It’s kind of like getting dressed up with nowhere to go.

Everyone wants to be successful, everyone wants to realize their dreams while living a fulfilled life. However, if you cannot define what that means for you then you will lack focus. Furthermore, creating a plan to go somewhere without a clear destination is going to be a waste of time and energy.

So you want to make more money? Well, if your goal is to make more money then don’t be surprised if you make $10 more next week because it is more money right? But I’m sure that you mean more than that when you have a goal of making more money. Well, it’s up to you to get specific about how much more money you want to make. Setting a goal of making 20% more than your current income or $70,000 per year or $10,000 per month in sales for your business is way more specific (and exciting) than make more money.

Once your goals are specific, you can begin to set action steps that are clear to help you achieve your goal. So exactly what do you need to do in order to realize your new goal for your income? Get a certification? Further your education? Increase marketing strategies for your business? Update your resume, references and start the new job hunt?

As you are intentional about being specific about your goals, you will also remain focused, manage your time better and eliminate options that are not in line with what your goal is. If your goal is to save 15% of your income every month then you know that you should start making plans to pack your lunch at least 3x a week instead of spending $15 every day on food.

Don’t be lazy about your dreams and goals, get specific with what you want. If you want to start a business, then what type of business will it be? If you want to get out of debt, then call your creditors to find out exactly how much you owe and develop your plan pay it off. If you want to get a new job, then get clear on what type of job you want.

Most people just let life happen to them instead of pursuing clear goals to make life happen for them. You don’t want to be another person on the hamster wheel of life…moving but going nowhere fast.

As you become specific with what you want, you will enhance the power that works for you in realizing your dreams. Instead of praying simple, bland prayers to enlist God’s help, you can begin to ask God for your specific requests. Now I’m not telling you to tell Him how to do it, but how can you know God answers prayer if you’re not specific about it. You may want to get married soon, well get specific about what you want in your man and start asking God about it! Yes, this is how powerful specificity is because your activating spiritual laws of faith to manifest the desires of your heart.

Do you know how encouraging it is when you begin to see exactly what you want happening to you? I suggest to take it a step further and gather images representing your specific goals and requests. Get a picture of your dream house, cut out a picture of your bank statement and write in the numbers you want to see.

And if you need a little help to identify how to figure out what you want or your action plan to make it happen, then I want you to download my Goal Slaying 101 audio lesson. I give you several strategies to help you discover what you want and I also provide a step-by-step framework to help you achieve each goal.

Get it here:

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Don’t wait until January to start planning 2017, start today!




Maria I. Melendez
