Have you had one of those moments when you’re working super hard towards your goals and it seems like the harder you work at it, the more resistance you encounter?

You feel like you’re hitting dead end after dead end but sometimes it’s not a dead end but a redirection.

Instead of recognizing that, like most of us, you keep going towards that goal trying any and every strategy that you think may work (my fellow entrepreneurs can relate to what I’m saying) but you’re still hitting that dead end.

Nothing seems to be working as you’ve tried everything and you don’t know what else to do.

Well, here’s a little advice –

Take a break, walk away for a moment, gather your thoughts and get back to it later.

I don’t know about you but there seems to be this social pressure to always be busy because in our culture we’re misled to believe that our worth is in how busy you are or how much you’ve produced.

However, being busy doesn’t always mean that you’re being effective. You want to be effective with how you’re spending your time instead of trying to put on the façade of always being busy in order to validate your worth.

You are and always will be worthy because you are a living, breathing human being. You don’t need to have all the answers and everything figured it out in order to achieve your success. When you let go and allow the ideas to come to you, you’ll find that success will begin to attract itself towards you instead of you struggling to reach for it.

There have been times where I’ve felt guilty for taking a day off or like something was wrong because I really didn’t know how I was going to solve the “dead ends” that I was facing. But then I had to ask myself why I felt that way, which is when I realized that I was looking for meaning and purpose in being busy and having all the answers to my success.

Maybe you’re in a current situation where you keep trying to figure out how to drive traffic from your Instagram to your website in order gain sales, or you keep trying to get that promotion, or you keep trying to get your boyfriend to propose to you or you keep trying to break that smoking habit but nothing you try is working.

Perhaps it’s time to let go of trying to figure it all out. Get off of Instagram for a few days and go have some fun with your friends or grab a glass of wine alone. Take a few days off of work and take a short vacation or a “staycation” where you stay home and enjoy some down time instead of going crazy trying to figure out how you’re going to get promoted. Take a break from looking for a job for a few hours, pack a good lunch, go sit in the park and read a good book. Stop trying to get your boyfriend to propose to you and trust that if he’s the one, it will happen at the right time which may not be your timing. Celebrate every day or every hour that you go without smoking that cigarette and take it one moment at a time.

In those quiet moments, your spirit will speak to you and give you the direction, wisdom and guidance that you need. Instead of rejecting it, embrace it and trust that you’ll be redirected to finish what you started!

Don’t feel guilty for taking a break, we all need it.


Maria I. Melendez