Each one of us has a story tell and some of our stories are more heartbreaking than others. Many of us have to endure hardships, abuse, neglect, broken hearts and disappointments. The disappointments of life can have its way of stealing hope for your future.

But that stops today.

Sometimes we can become so enamored with our stories so that others can feel sorry for us or we can continue to feel sorry for ourselves. Better yet we can use those trials we’ve experienced as an excuse for our behavior or lack of desire to change our lives. The only thing that you’re doing when you’re holding onto everything bad that’s happen to you is prolonging everything good that life has to offer you.

I’m not diminishing anything that you’ve experienced but I am telling you to let it go, heal wherever you need to heal and make room for the next, new thing that has been set before you. If you keep looking at what’s behind you, you’re focusing your energy towards your past instead of investing your energy towards your future.

You cannot change what was, but you can control what will be. It’s time to embrace maturity. Maturity has absolutely nothing to do with age but with acceptance of responsibility. Maybe you’ve made some bad decisions that provoked some of the circumstances that you’re in today. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, forgive yourself, figure out where you went wrong and apply that wisdom to your present and future circumstances.

Your life is a sum total of the choices that you make so if you want a better life then you must make better decisions. Many of us are still little girls trapped in women bodies failing to take the necessary measures to grow into the women that we’ve been created to be. Some of the bad things that happened to you may not have been your fault at all but you’re still mad at the person who hurt you which has turned into resentment. When you’re living with resentment in your heart, it is very difficult to not only receive love but also to give it.

Maybe your business failed or you failed out of school and you keep thinking about what went wrong. Instead of driving yourself crazy, let it go and move on towards your destiny. I heard Oprah Winfrey say something spectacular that resonated with me, “Everything that happens in your life is not happening to you but for you.”

Stop being the victim or playing the blame game because you weren’t created to wallow in what was or what could have been. You are a victorious woman who can confidently work towards what is going to be. Make the conscious decision to believe that your story is still being written and God’s not done with you yet!

Focusing on your future is going to require you to believe that the best is yet to come which means you must have faith. Real faith will require you to look like a fool because you’ll have to believe for something that surpasses what you’ve seen before. Don’t let all the negative that’s happen to you steal the promises of your future!

If someone broke your heart, forgive that person and make room for the right person to come along. If one of your parent’s didn’t raise you, forgive and let go of any resentment you may have towards them. If you ruined your credit by being financially irresponsible, forgive yourself, take responsibility and do what you have to in order to restore your finances.

Let go of what was and focus on what could be.

Maria I. Melendez