Whatever goal, vision, or dream that you’re working towards – I am sure that you have days, weeks or even months go by where you’ve experience delay, setbacks and tests. To make matters even worse, you are scrolling through Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat and it seems like everyone else is winning expect you.

Just so you know, that’s the biggest lie that is perpetrated in your mind. You are not the only one going through something tough, so refuse to be fooled by the highlights of other’s people lives that you see on social media.

One of the things that happen when you are meeting an overwhelming set of challenges on your journey is that you can start to feel defeated because happiness is normally contingent on what’s happening to you.  So if you have a lot of bad things happening, you won’t feel happy. But there’s a difference between being happy and having joy. Joy is consistent and it’s rooted in something that is deeper than yourself, it’s at the very core of your spirit.

This is why I never want you to allow your circumstances to steal your joy or break your spirit. I know all too well what that feels like and it was a just a few days ago that I had to make a decision to not allow anything, anyone or any circumstances to steal my joy. What happens when you allow your joy to be stolen is that the next thing that gets killed is your faith and once your faith is killed all the other areas of your life are open to being destroyed.

Faith is the shield that you have to use to protect your dreams. You have to make the decision that no matter what happens, you are going to continue to believe wholeheartedly that whatever you are building is going to manifest. Maybe you really want to have a baby and build your family but you’re experiencing some challenges – don’t let it steal your joy or kill your faith because if you do, you’re allowing your opposing circumstances to take the opportunity of motherhood from you. Or perhaps you’re really working towards building that online business for entrepreneurial women and you haven’t had a sale in weeks, make the decision to not allow what you see steal your joy or kill your faith.

Having faith for your dreams means that you cannot allow your circumstances, what you see happening or your emotions (which are totally unreliable), to steal the possibility or belief in your heart for those very dreams to come to pass – especially if you are working diligently towards it. You can’t have faith for your goals and not put some sort of action behind them. You want to get married? Well start investing into becoming a wife by reading books on marriage, getting any counseling you need to heal any wounds in your soul and start dating with purpose. You want to become a well-renowned speaker making $10,000 per month? Start reading books on speaking, create a deck for your speaking services and work on becoming an expert in your area so that you can become a leader in your industry that is well sought after.

I want you to think of ways that you can start initiating that change that you want to see towards your vision. You have to believe first, receive it in your heart and then you will see your vision manifest. That’s the key to not allowing your circumstances to steal your joy or kill your faith. What new mindset can you apply towards the goal. It can be something as simple as deciding to get your faith back and apply that faith to your goals. Sometimes we try to come up with new strategies or action steps for achieving the goal when the true answer is actually living inside of you waiting to be tapped into.

I know some of you are fed up with going around the same mountain so I encourage you to start to initiate change inside of yourself first. Let’s make this vow together.

I will no longer allow anything, anyone or any circumstance to steal my joy. I will no longer allow what I see or a delay in my vision to kill my faith and I most certainly not allow my opposition to destroy my dreams for my family, my marriage, my health, my career or my money. I take back what is rightfully mine and choose to keep running the race until I experience victory because victory doesn’t happen by accident.

Maria I. Melendez