You ever had something fantastic happen to you when you were not expecting it? Or better yet receive a surprise gift from someone that was absolutely incredible? Or have you received some great news out of the blue?

I absolutely love those moments! Those moments can be as little as having your boss tell you that you can leave early or as big as receiving a surprise call telling you that you will receive an unexpected $8,000 check in the mail. I have had both of these happen to me and I am now starting to understand that all of the good things that have happen to me are a result of God’s grace.

Our society tells us that in order to “get” something in this life then you have to “do” something because nothing in life is free. This type of thinking can influence how we manage our relationships and most importantly, our relationship with God. Oftentimes we think that we have to “do” something in order to “get” God to respond but that is not how He works. We are fooled to believe that we have to have good behavior and do everything well before we can receive God’s goodness.

I am here to tell you that those are all lies.

God’s goodness stems from His grace and His grace is His unmerited favor. This means that you cannot earn it or purchase it out of your own merit because it’s a free gift that has been given to you. You do not have to do anything to earn God’s goodness; it has already been given to you but it up to you to receive it.

Someone told me that the opposite of fear is actually love. When you become settled in the fact that God loves you and He does not extend His grace according to what you do but out of His love for you then you will begin to expect His goodness and the lying voices of fear will begin to dissipate.

God’s grace covers all the mistakes you have made and will continue to make as you are human and none of us are perfect. In addition, God’s grace will provide all that you need if you learn to rely on it, trust for it and expect it in your daily life. I believe that a huge weight will be lifted off of your shoulders once you begin to operate out of God’s grace for you instead of trying to do it all alone, all of the time while always trying to figure it out.

When you start to depend on His grace, you will find yourself receiving His favor. Society tells us to “do” so that we can “get”, God tells us to simply “trust” so we can receive. There is a difference between getting something and receiving something. To receive means to be given or presented with, to get means to cause to be in one’s possession.

Trying to “get” something done can be exhausting but when you know that you are going to “receive” something then you can be at peace knowing that it will come to you. The grace of God will bring you the right relationships with the right people at the right time. The grace of God will open the door to an opportunity that you were not even qualified for but called for. The grace of God will get you the right table at a crowded restaurant; the grace of God will bring you a 20% discount at the checkout line or the raise that you have been hoping for!

I want you to start to expect God’s grace and embrace it. Instead of trying to “get” something to happen in your life, begin to trust in God’s grace and love for you. Trust that everything is working out for your good, trust that all your needs will be met, trust that you will achieve your dreams and hope for God’s best for you, your family and your future.

Rest in God’s grace for you.


Maria I. Melendez