I know you’ve heard that happiness is a choice but I don’t believe that’s all the way true. Can you really be happy when you feel trapped in a life you hate? Or if the man you thought you were going to marry walks out the door? Or if you’re so broke you can’t pay your rent and you’re on the verge of losing your home?

Happiness is usually contingent on what’s “happening” to you but joy is a choice that’s rooted in something deep inside of your soul and something bigger than you.

When the going gets tough and challenges come, the first thing that we’re robbed off is our happiness and the joy usually follows. We walk around angry, bitter, worried and filled with resentment. Unless you exercise your power to put a stop to it.

Yes, you have the power to stop the madness and get your joy back!


By letting go of all the pain, frustration, mistakes of your past and begin to focus on your future. You can’t change all the bad things that have happened to you but you can choose to believe that change is possible. Stop replaying the disappointments in your mind.

I wholeheartedly believe that if God allowed it then it will somehow work for me in the end.

Choose to believe that you haven’t lived your best days. Choose to believe the best about your future and make an effort to find something to be grateful for. At the end of your day, write down five things you’re thankful for.

I was at an event the other night and was doing what we all do at events…taking pictures! As I’m reviewing the pictures, a guy walks up to me and says this, “Wow, you look so happy taking your pictures.” Little did he know that that was hands down the greatest compliment ever.

Girl! I almost shed a tear!!


Because the smile on my face was one that I had fought for and exuded exactly what I’m telling you. The joy in my heart, the faith for my future and the gratitude of my present were indicative in my big, bright smiles.

Although you should be excited about your future, something tells me that good things are going to start happening for you quicker than you expected, don’t lose hope. God is going to answer the prayers of your heart. Soon you’ll experience the vindication, restoration and miracles realized that your heart desires.

What I’ve learned is that my attitude has to be right for me to receive the good things that are coming my way. That’s when I made the decision to let go of the past (which is a daily effort) and embrace the promises of my future.

When you’re tempted to go back into that hopeless state, ask yourself if sitting in the pity party is worth the promises of your future. Every minute you spend feeling sorry for yourself is a minute that delays the good things that are in front of you.

Look ahead of you, not behind you.

Where have you allowed your joy to be stolen? How much longer will you choose to be powerless by allowing it to continue? And what are you going to do to get your happy back?


Maria I. Melendez
