In order to experience the benefits of success then you must be committed to the process. Although that process is rewarding, it will definitely be filled with challenges. Some of those challenges will be miniscule but others will test your faith like never before. Those grueling tests of faith can become giants in our lives because they are huge, intimidating, frightening and outright scary.

Nevertheless, in order to win the victory, you have to learn to face your giants and understand that they are a part of the process.

There isn’t a woman in this world who doesn’t expect to go through labor pains when giving birth because she understands that she will have to continue pushing in order to birth to her child. This is the same way you should look at the challenges you face while on the journey of success – you have to keep pushing!

The first step in defeating your giants is to make a decision to push through your seasons of difficulty while looking at it as just that – a season. Life is filled with ebbs and flows and seasons always change, after winter always comes spring.

Victory begins in your mind, not when the victory has physically manifested. Your thoughts will determine your words which will determine your character and your destiny. Therefore, it is vital to picture your victory in your mind first. The Bible states that “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.”(Proverbs 23:7) If you believe that you will never get over this hump then you won’t. You have to make a commitment to envision your victory and speak words of victory.

Just because you “feel” something does not mean that you have to speak it. There is death and life in the power of your tongue. Do not allow any words of defeat to come out of your mouth. Our feelings cannot be trusted because they are constantly changing.

Understand that in order to grow, you are going to have to experience some level of difficulty because your capacity is being stretched and part of you is being strengthened. It is in your crisis that your character will be revealed to you and oftentimes our “giants” develop those character traits that will help us fulfill our purpose. Unfortunately, when we need to learn patience we do not receive some magic dose of patience, what happens is that we begin to encounter circumstances that require patience.

Of course tapping into muscles that have never been used will hurt but this is where you must learn to trust your process. Success is not a sprint but more of a marathon that requires your resilience, persistence and tenacity.

Commit to facing your giants with style and grace!


Maria I. Melendez