You may be familiar with the iconic line from the movie, The Color Purple where Sophia (beautifully played by Oprah Winfrey) has had enough and she says “All my life I’ve had to fight!”

Sophia hit it on head!

Anything good in this life is going to require you to fight for it. It’s so easy to give up on anything once things get tough because no one enjoys experiencing pain, frustration, disappointment or delay. Whether it is your dreams, your marriage, your family, your happiness, your prosperity – you have to accept that you are going to have to fight for it!

Life will throw you some unexpected circumstances that may try to steal your joy, peace, hope, patience or integrity. Sometimes those circumstances can be so scary that we allow ourselves to be bullied into the corner by them.

If this is your current situation, then it’s time to fight back! Don’t allow life to bully you into a corner any longer because everything in your life is going to be a fight for territory. There will always be an opposing force trying to stop you from your success. You are not defined by your circumstances as your circumstances do not define who you are. Who you are is expressed in how you choose to respond to what life throws at you.

You can choose to wine or win, sink or swim, be bullied or fight back as the choice is yours. Bullies know exactly who to pick on; the ones who are not going to put up a fight. Bullies will never go after someone that they know will fight for their lunch money; they prey on the weak which shows how weak they really are.

Sometimes we give our challenges too much power over us, especially if it involves our finances. Having money is great but don’t let money have you. If you’re not in the best financial situation because you’re not making enough money, in between jobs or your business isn’t making as many sales as you thought, please stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop judging your success by a season in your life. All seasons eventually change. Make a commitment that your prosperity is worth the fight so relax. The right opportunity is coming at the right time.

Everything that happens to you is happening for you and it’s happening for a reason that although you may not understand, it will work out for your best in the end. Keep getting back up again and again and again, until you accomplish your goal.

You might be experiencing a rough patch between you and your husband or boyfriend. Well if you love each other, and that’s where you want to be then make a commitment to fight your relationship. Don’t look for the exit sign at the first sign of trouble. Fight for what’s rightfully yours!

Like Sophia made very clear, all your life you’ll have to fight. But the good news is that it’s worth it! When you fight for your success you will cherish it so much more because if it were handed to you, you would probably take it for granted.

You’re a warrior whether or not you may know it. Some circumstances come into our lives so that we can strengthen character traits that we’ll need to use later. The only way you can strengthen a character trait is by exercising it. Just like physical exercise makes your muscles sore because you’re using muscles that aren’t used to be strengthened, your character attributes will “feel sore” as you tap into them. It will hurt to exercise patience, tenacity, strength, selflessness or perseverance if you’ve never had to tap into that part of you before.

You have the RIGHT to a successful life! Consider your challenge as just another bully that’s trying to punk you around and choose to fight back!


Maria I. Melendez