Yesterday, I was approached with an opportunity for a new project. However, unlike other projects this assignment focuses completely on me instead of me serving others – yep, it’s all about me.

I don’t say that in a selfish way but what I mean is that me taking on this assignment helps me to focus on areas in my personal growth and development that I have not tapped into yet.

At first, I didn’t want to do it because my pride was telling me things like, “I’m good.” However, then I had a thought that dropped into my spirit which made me sign on.

The thought?

“My children deserve to have a whole mother, my grandchildren deserve for me to do the best I can so they can benefit and my husband darn sure deserves a whole wife.”

At that moment, I realized that me focusing on becoming the best me and doing what God has called me to do is not solely for my benefit but for the benefit of the generations to come after me. In order for me to leave the unforgettable legacy that I want to leave, I’m going to have to do what it takes to make it happen which means me having the character, mindset and healed soul to do so. It’s not just about what I’m accomplishing but who I am becoming.

Are you focused on what you want to do or who you want to become? Are you focusing on your now or your legacy?

As a matter of fact, I was talking to one of my best friends over the weekend. She just so happened to bring up “generations” and her legacy.

Both of us highly agree that generational curses stop with us. Generational poverty – just having a job and enough to get buy stops here. Broken marriages or better yet, no marriages at all stops here. Lustful relationships that only lead to hurt and pain stops here. Generational addictions to alcohol and other substances stops here. Depression, fear, and strife stops here. Modeling dysfunctional behavior to my children stops here.

It’s one thing to say this and another to do what it takes to make it happen. As my friend and I chatted, she said, “If I have to cut back for a season to be financially responsible so I can achieve wealth for generations to come then so be it. If I have to be celibate for a season and wait for the right man God has predestined for me so I can break the chains of broken relationships in my family so be it.”

She was no longer thinking about herself, she was thinking about the generations that were going to be positively influenced by the sacrifices she made.

She is embracing her legacy all the way!

Sometimes we can get so caught up on the moment. Then we make permanent decisions for temporary situations not recognizing how our decisions now are going to positively or negatively impact not only our lives in the long run but the lives of those around us and the lives of those who are not here yet.

It’s easy to give into temptation to quit, to make that purchase you cannot afford, to go back to that relationship, to run away from emotional healing, to do what’s safe when it’s really disguised fear, to sell your birthright for a bowl a soup because you’re hungry now. (See the story of Esau and Jacob where Esau sold his birthright to his younger brother because he was hungry. He made a permanent decision only to satisfy a momentary desire which only led to regret.)

So these are my words of encouragement to you. Do it for the generations. Do what you need to do now so that you and the generations after you can benefit. Your legacy is worth it.

The lies will tell you that it’s not worth it or that it doesn’t really matter or that you will not have to pay the consequences from the decisions that you make. Every decision that you make has a benefit or a consequence.

Whatever you need to do financially, emotionally, relationally, mentally now to cement your legacy then put on your big girl panties and get to it girlfriend! Whatever sacrifices you need to make now, then do it.

What are you willing to sacrifice for your legacy?


Maria I. Melendez 
Founder & CEO 