Get In Tune With Your Tenacity

Get In Tune With Your Tenacity

The other day I had a lunch meeting and the topic of conversation was all things business, empowerment and one very special ingredient to success that we must all possess. And that ingredient, my darling, is something called tenacity. According to my multiple Google...
Speak Those Things As Though They Already Are

Speak Those Things As Though They Already Are

What are those things in your life right now that seem darn near impossible to achieve? What giant are you facing that seems like it is too large for you to overcome? What dream are you fighting for but it looks like your dream is taking so long to manifest that you...
Your Vision Requires An Image (Video Post)

Your Vision Requires An Image (Video Post)

When I tell you to think about your ideal life, what do you see? You probably see a certain type of car, home, family structure or career. Your mind will think in images of whatever your ideal future is because our minds think in images and not words. I’m sure that...
Who’s On Your Board of Counsel?

Who’s On Your Board of Counsel?

Over the years, I’ve developed the habit of being selective of who I share my goals with for various reasons and along with that, I am especially selective of when I choose to tell them. For the most part, I do it to protect myself because sometimes ideas can be too...
Braving Your Storm (Video Post)

Braving Your Storm (Video Post)

If you are anywhere in the New York tri-state area or in the Northeast region of the US, then you are probably caught in a knee-deep amount of snow – braving this blizzard. Hopefully you’re sipping on some hot chocolate and catching up on some TV as you read this as I...