There are those pivotal moments in life where you hit a goal that you’ve dreamed about and for me, this is one of those moments!

Me, founder of Embrace Her Legacy, will have my first PUBLISHED book released everywhere June 16th 2015! I started working on this goal last year and literally stepped out on nothing but faith to get it done. I knew I had a book inside of me, so I set out to write it and pitch it to as many publishers and literary agents that I could. After what seemed like a million “no’s”, I finally got my yes! You could be just one more “no” away from that great big “yes!”

I am humbled, excited, thrilled and a little “nerxcited” (nervous and excited) to share my baby with you. Take the Limits Off Your Legacy: A Woman’s Guide to Unlock Purpose and Vision (eLectio Publishing) is here and is be available on,, Itunes, my publisher’s  -eLectio Publishing site, and so much more!
Take The Limits Off Your Legacy

So I know you’re like so what’s the book about? I’m glad that you asked!

Take the Limits Off Your Legacy: A Woman’s Guide to Unlock Purpose & Vision was created to evoke confidence in women and girls to embrace the power in their story and live a limitless legacy. It’s a journey of becoming who you have been called to be to honor what you have been called to do to so that you can fearlessly unlock the limitless opportunities of your life’s purpose and vision. I provide several keys to remove the limits off not only your mind but also the vision you have for your life and the power of God which will ultimately take the limits off of your legacy. My narrative and framework provokes readers to strive for a lasting impact on the lives of others by boldly deciding to birth their dreams. Incorporating a sincere account of transformation, I use my messy story of conquering several personal challenges as the foundation to provide a guide to inspire women and girls all over the world to confidently live out their dreams and embrace a limitless future. I share effective tools to empower you to honor your story, conquer fears and self-doubt, discover your purpose, give birth to your vision, and live a limitless legacy to create an optimal life with confidence, poise and intention!

I want you to walk away from reading my book determined to remove all of the self-imposed limits that you may put on yourself, on God which will ultimately put limits on your legacy. We put limits on ourselves simply by the words that we choose to speak or the thoughts that we choose to meditate on. What would happen if you actually took those limits off? What would your life look like with no more limits? (Spoiler alert: We have something extra sweet we’re working on to help you live a life of no more limits. Stay tuned!) 

We have to learn to overcome our circumstances, dig deep inside ourselves to achieve our dreams. I believe in God and His ALMIGHTY power and He believes in us, trust that if He has chosen you then He has equipped you. It is time to take back the power of your story, become your best self and give birth to your dreams so you can embrace your limitless legacy. I will share with you how in Take the Limits Off Your Legacy and I can’t wait for you to read it!

See you then and stay tuned for details on our launch event celebrating the release of the book and book signing events near you!

Get your copy now  – Amazon (Paperback and Kindle) 


Get your copy now – (Paperback and Nook) 



Maria I. Melendez