Goals Coaching

Having no goals is like getting dressed up with no where to go…

Hmm, don’t you just HATE when you have the perfect outfit with absolutely no where to go. Yea, that’s how our future looks when we don’t have goals. OUCH!

Goals are more than something that we set on January 1st, they are our guides to help us birth the dreams that are living inside of our hearts. Goals give clarity and direction. Goals keep us motivated, help us measure our progress and make us accountable for ourselves.

We all have heard “I’ll get to it someday” or “When I get more time then I will work on my goals” – but someday is not a day of the week. 

Let me share something I read on Businsessinsider.com – Thomas Corley, the author of Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits Of Wealthy Individuals spent five years studying the lives of both rich people (defined as having an annual income of $160,000 or more and a liquid net worth of $3.2 million or more) and poor people (defined as having an annual income of $35,000 or less and a liquid net worth of $5,000 or less). Rich people always keep their goals in sight. “I focus on my goals every day.” Rich people who agree: 62% Poor people who agree: 6%. Not only do wealthy people s
et annual and monthly goals, but 67% of them put those goals in writing. 

Girl…let me help you! 


  • I help millennial women identify what you really want! 
  • I will coach you on how to overcome mental roadblocks and recognize the roadblocks that are standing in their way 
  • I will teach you a step-by-step framework to you achieve ALL, yes ALL of your personal, career, business, health and lifestyle goals 
  • I will coach you through the opposition and challenges that you will have on your journey 
  • I will show you how to tap into your divine power to create a passion filled life 
  • I will teach you how to grow in confidence, faith and self-image. 
  • I provide encouragement, motivational content and support for clients to achieve personal and professional goals

Here’s my thing, I’m not just here to help you achieve your goals. Nope! I want to help you become the woman you were CREATED to be…yes cue the Beyonce – you were created sis!


Yes I can help you take any vision from “conception to birth” but what sense would that make if you’re still wounded and in bondage to fear, doubt, insecurity or low self worth?

Call me the goal-slayer! I’ve written a book, launched a podcast, started a foundation for girls, become a speaker AND I lost 25 lbs and overcame heartbreak in the process šŸ˜‰ 

Some other things I will show you
  • I will teach you how to deal with unexpected delay, failures, setbacks, and challenges when it comes to achieving your goals
  • You’ll learn how to overcome negative emotions like fear, doubt, resentment and unforgiveness. I’m going to teach you how these negative emotions can hold you back
  • Learn how to overcome procrastination and how to practice being disciplined to accomplish your goals
  • I will help you build your brand and enhance your business and career goals 
  • I will teach you a step-by-step with a detailed, framework and action plan to help you achieve your top goals for next 12-18 months
  • Iā€™m also going to teach you how to kill the ā€œcomparison devilā€ that’s stealing your joy and how to embrace the power in your individual story
  • I’ll show you how to make those impossible goals into tangible goals that you can realize 
  • Get excited to learn how to stay motivated, deal with disappointment, deal with lack of support from loved ones, create a supportive tribe, implement strategies to help you remain disciplined and overcome fear or self-limiting beliefs to help you slay all your goals!

Book Your Session Below:

Once you make your payment, you will receive a pre-session in-take form to fill-out prior to your first session and a list of available time-frames for your session (which I’ll tailor to your availability), so please be aware of your emails.

Your payment will serve as confirmation for your session(s). Package deals also must be paid in full at the time of booking. If your session is a virtual session, I will send you the call-in details and calendar request for our call once your payment is received. If your session is in-person, I will email you our meeting location. A reminder email will be sent 24-hours before the session. All sales are final (no-refunds) once you make your purchase, if you need to reschedule then I am more than willing to work with your schedule. 

If there are any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me at hello@embraceherlegacy.com šŸ™‚ 

Chat soon! 


Maria I. Melendez
Founder, Embrace Her Legacy