Hey girl hey!

You were designed for destiny and purpose, you know it and I know it. 

The daily routine of reporting to a job that you hate or that you’re going to just to pay back student loans isn’t cutting it anymore. When your job becomes the source of your misery then it’s time for change.

But you don’t want another job, you want to know that God has called you to do.

You’re willing to pay your dues for it. You’d rather struggle for a while and be happy pursuing your destiny in full assurance that you’re living out the assignment God has for your life than to continue another year in uncertainty, fear and frustration.

You want destiny. You want purpose. You value your career and you want it to have meaning. You’ve had that nudge to start the non-profit or launch a business or move to Los Angeles to pursue your career as a television broadcaster. 

Those nudges are signs of what you’ve been created to do!

So this course is going to help you identify those signs. This course is going to help you realize what your purpose is and more importantly, what it’s not. As a matter of fact, I’ll show you how to start living in that destiny TODAY. This course is going to incite your faith in God to the do the impossible and the courage that you need to pursue your purpose fabulously and unapologetically.

I don’t care where your life started, or what happened to you – you must realize that your life has meaning and purpose. God is waiting to walk you right into your destiny and with all the opposition that I experienced in recording this class, I’m convinced that this is going to propel you into your destiny. I’ll challenge your thinking while showing you how to identify your natural gifts and talents that you have been called to use to serve others because whatever you cannot stand, you have been called to fix. 

I’m going to ask you some hard questions and give you some challenging assignments to push you from where you are to where you want to be. I’ve even added some goal-setting action steps to the mix too. You’ll get to download the worksheet so I’ve got you covered girlie! 

But it gets better! You’re about to get not 2 for 1, not 3 for 1, not even 4 for the price of 1. This course is offered as part of our Embrace Her Legacy University where you get access to a whopping SIX personal growth, faith building and goal achieving courses for get this…$12 per month! To make things as sweet as a strawberry lemonade, you’ll also get access to my private and exclusive Facebook accountability group! 

So get your faith, notebook and pen ready. 

Your destiny awaits! 

Enroll and learn more here!