Don’t you just wish that you could have everything that you want when you want it? If only life were that simple, right?

Often, when you want to experience a victory or growth in your life it will require some sort of sacrifice on your end. We live life on levels but arrive in stages.

Unfortunately, you cannot have it all when you’re on your journey of success and realizing your dreams. A few months ago, I was talking to someone who had recently discussed their frustration with their living situation. We discussed the options for this person moving into a new apartment. We talked about the importance of saving money and being diligent during this time in order to get out of their current circumstances.

To my surprise, that same person recently tells me that they’re going on a vacation to a Caribbean island soon.

I thought to myself, “Hmm. Does this person really want to experience change in their lives. Priorities are definitely out of order.”

Jim Rohn has this quote. “People will plan a vacation better than they plan their lives. I guess escape is easier than change.”

If there is something that you want to do then you have to commit to making sure it happens. Life is a series of choices and if you want a better life then it’s time to make better choices. You may desire making the transition from employee to entrepreneur. Well, you will need some sort of financial cushion to do so which means you have to forgo those European vacations.

You may desire to work on your relationship with your spouse; well hanging out with your girlfriends every weekend instead of spending time with him is contradictory to your goals. What if you want to pay off your debt? Well, you may want to start packing lunch and skip the “I just got paid”’ shopping ritual.

The point is that you want to be clear on your priorities and all your decisions must be in line with those priorities. Start to pay attention to the decisions that you’ve been making, do those decisions mirror your priorities?

I suggest that you write down your top five priorities for this season in your life as priorities change as seasons change. Your may have a priority of focusing on work because there is a raise or promotion that you want or you may have been missing in action from loved ones only focused on your career and now you want to shift gears a bit.

Your priorities determine how you spend your time, attention and your money. If your priority is to finish writing your book then you may want to spend less time on social media distracted by what others are doing.

Doing “what you have to do” only lasts for a season of discomfort so that you can live a life where you are “doing what you want to.” Your life can look totally different in ONE year but you have to be willing to do the work now. I encourage you to make sure your life is in alignment with your priorities and if it isn’t it’s time to fix it.

Stay tuned for more details coming later this week! Until then, keep embracing your legacy!


Maria I. Melendez